the other things in life. some big some small.

this is another random post.
i din get all my top 5 slots.
i attend 4 tutorials alone.
my nm class today was about philosophy & art @#$%.
it was an awkward whereby the lecturer feels he's nt getting much response & i feel bad for him & still not responding.
i am so passive lOlx.
jianwei was emo-ing all the way.
i'm glad i'm nt emo today or else we can both die together lOlx.
whatever it is, i can't just tell him "ya wallow in sorrow, drown & die can't care less about deserve it!!!"
nahx. he's still my flabby friend~
but i still hate you for sacking yourself!!!!! there.
ain't doing much readings either.
except 1 today which took me almost 1 hr cos i was multi-tasking.
had no heart to read my 2nd one zZZ...
i'm so terrible.
i have 1 mod that doesn't require reading (so means only 4 mods of readings) & i'm still whining.
and i promise to read the news everyday for my mass media mod but i'm still not abiding by it.
and i'm supposed to keep a food diary for my food mod but i haven bought the mini notebook i intended to.
on a happy note, i gained 2kg!! wahahahaha.
on a bad note, dey're mostly tummy flabs arghhhhhh.
that's cos of all the afternoOn teas i had when i was working. oh man seriously...all i could rmb was popeyes after the briefing haha.
when ranjani was around before she quit, it was 'afternoon tea' written all over her face and then suddenly i felt like eating too.
but becos 2kg= flabs, it's nt much of a consolation too.
i shld exercise.
i keep postponing my squash sport (like swearing once i get someone who noes squash, i'll play like 3 times a week. ain't happening argh.)
and running zZz..where's sx!
i'm still nt sleeping. why.
someone motivate me to sleep early.
talked to beverly on the way home and i was surprised her r/s lasted for 4 yrs (dey got attached when she was sec 4)..
before that they talked on the phone for almost 1 year without meeting up much.
like wow.
it feels like a blissful lil life there.
not envious but it shows that it's possible and real enough for r/s to last long long long...
that's when i realized i'm still immature myself.
there's still alot of things i need to learn and understand (like really get it & take an almost neutral stand).
i wonder does it come around just like inspiration or it needs me to slowly realise & appreciate the process~